Martha Graham once said, “Movement never lies”. It opens us to the truth of our experience and the universal wisdom that lies at the core of all embodied practices. The body is inherently brilliant - a sure and steadfast guide we can turn to again and again throughout our life journey. With continued practice of conscious movement, we can learn to tap into, honor and trust this wisdom.
One of my dreams is to bring this work into the mainstream - to share the invaluable healing and potent creative potential of movement - to awaken bodies and spirits, enliven communities, and build an ecosystem that thrives on diversity and mutual support.
Over the years I have explored a variety of movement practices, discovering the magic and beauty that each offers, yet it was my training as a Dancing Freedom Facilitator that paved the way to deeply understand co-creative community. The practice taught me to hold EVERYTHING within one cohesive whole - to trust in a web of life whose health and well being is sustained by and through interdependence. The dance continues to be the place where I honor the fullness of my Being - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - where I remember my place within the whole. It is the rich field through which I explore, learn, and integrate teachings that support my living. It is the space through which I give and receive freely, in love and service to something greater than my vision alone.
It was a similar philosophy that attracted me to the Open Floor movement practice - a community committed to sharing 30+ years of embodied wisdom and meditative practices while embracing (in ALL levels of their organization) the humility and trust necessary to truly “open the floor” for the benefit of ALL beings!
As I continue to study and integrate wisdom that will support me in sharing movement with more and more bodies, I choose to align with models that recognize and value the collaborative process. WHY? Because of the brilliance that arises from diversity! Because of the health and well being that result as we rewrite our stories TOGETHER! Because of the deep trust and softness of heart that is cultivated. I am thrilled to be actively pursuing pre-requisites to continue my studies at the Open Floor and become part of this growing movement!
If you would like to know more about the Open Floor movement practice, visit Open Floor for more information. Or join us for a class here in St. Paul & Minneapolis!
Love, Teresa